Tips on How to Keep your Dogs Cool this Summer

Tips on How to Keep your Dogs Cool this Summer

Wondering when you need to start watching the temperatures this summer, when it comes to your dog and the heat?

According to Pupford, “When the temperature hits about 70-80 degrees (21-26 degrees Celcius), that’s when you need to start giving extra breaks, bring extra water, and look for shadier spots to play with your pup outside. When it’s above 85 degrees (29 degrees Celcius), you’ll want to generally avoid prolonged exercise outdoors with your pup.”

“A couple of factors that make it even more dangerous is if your dog is part of the brachycephalic group, like pugs and boxers. if your dog is obese or if your dog is less than 6 months old or elderly. In all cases, exercise caution and bring PLENTY of water for your dog."

Hear are a few tips to keep you dog cool (and happy!) this summer:

1. Keep your pets well hydrated

According to Pupford, “Water accounts for about 60% of a dog's body weight. A general rule of thumb is dogs should drink anywhere between 1/2 to 1 oz of fresh water per pound of body weight.” How much your dog needs to drink daily will vary depending on their size, age, medications, exercise, food intake and the weather.

Also remember to wash their water bowl frequently (every day or two at a minimum) to keep it bacteria free.

Signs of dehydration in dogs include:

  • Dry nose
  • Dry mouth
  • Excessive panting
  • Lethargy
  • Dry eyes
  • Loss of skin elasticity

While it is important to keep your dogs hydrated, according to Purina, you also need to be cautious about giving them too much water at once. “For a forty-five to fifty-five pound dog, don’t let them drink more than four to eight ounces of water at a time. After they’ve had time to absorb it and get it out of their stomach, give them some more ten or fifteen minutes later.”

2. Frozen Treats

Drool worthy frozen treats are an excellent way to cool down your pets from the inside out and they will enjoy it as well! Google “pupsicles” and find a variety of interesting ideas to keep your pup happy all summer long!

3. Frequent Breaks

Take frequent breaks in the shade when out for walks or playing outside to allow them to cool down. Be sure to provide plenty of cool, fresh, water.

According to Pupford, “For walks and general play, you should take a break every 15-20 minutes (depending on the temperature). For activities like fetch, tug, hiking, or running [they recommend taking] a break every 10 minutes or so.”

Signs your dog needs a break include:

  • Excessive panting
  • Any whimpering/whining
  • Going slower than their normal pace (whether it be hiking, jogging, etc.)
  • Laying down more often than usual

If you live in a cool environment and you take them on vacation to a destination that is significantly warmer than where they live, be sure to monitor them closely. If you’re hot then they are likely even hotter with their fur coat.

4. Shady Spots

Landscape your yard with shady spots or have a large umbrella outside to provide shade. Although the temperature in the shade and in the direct sun are the same, not having the sun beating down on you feels cooler.

5. Exercise When it is Cooler Outside

Exercise at cooler times of the day and plan your daily walk in areas with water where your pet can cool down such as a treed trail along a creek. Also, before you head out for walk in the summer, be sure to check the pavement. If the pavement is too hot for your hand, then it will be too hot for your dog’s paw pads. Try to walk on grass and stay off asphalt.

6. Go Swimming

Take your pet swimming or to a spot where your pet can lay and play in the water. If your dog loves swimming so much that they could swim all day, be sure to take frequent breaks. Also don't forget to take them fresh water to drink.

If you need to wash off your pet after a day in the water, try our natural Pet Wash. Learn more here.

ESSH is a complete body wash. It is a natural cleanser, moisturizer, conditioner, deodorizer and detangler all in one. ESSH is a re-mineralizing body cleanser, which helps eliminate toxins, replenish the skin’s natural moisture and replaces depleted nutrients. It will leave your pet’s coat with a beautiful shine.

7. Grooming

Keep your pets appropriately groomed and/or use a de-shedding tool to de-shed their undercoat. But, according to Pets WebMD, “Don't shave or clip their coat before you talk to your vet or groomer. The extra fur that keeps them warm in winter may also keep them cool in summer.”

Come summer, it is always good to be prepared on what you need to watch for when it comes to your furry best friend.

Signs of Overheating in Dogs

According to Purina, following are signs that your dog is overheating:

  • Panting is the most common first sign that a dog is at risk of overheating.
  • If the panting escalates to forceful panting, cease all activity with your dog.
  • As a dog tires, he becomes less animated and his face may express concern or apprehension.
  • A stressed dog may slow his pace and cover less ground.
  • Your dog may carry his tail lower and have less tail action.

Signs of Heatstroke in Dogs 

According to the Humane Society, following are some signs of heatstroke in dogs:

  • Heavy panting
  • Glazed eyes
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Excessive thirst
  • Lethargy
  • Fever
  • Dizziness
  • Lack of coordination
  • Profuse salivation
  • Vomiting
  • Deep red or purple tongue
  • Seizure
  • Unconsciousness

“Animals are at particular risk for heat stroke if they are very old, very young, overweight, not conditioned to prolonged exercise, or have heart or respiratory disease. Some breeds of dogs—like boxers, pugs, shih tzus and other dogs and cats with short muzzles—will have a much harder time breathing in extreme heat.” (Humane Society)

Wishing you and your pet a fun and safe summer!


Humane Society, Keep pets safe in the heat

Pupford, 7 Hacks to Keep Dogs Cool in Summer [2022 Update]

Pet WebMD, How to Keep Your Dog Cool in the Summer

Purina, How to Keep Dogs Cool in Summer

Purina, Recognizing the Signs of Overheating in Dogs

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