Horse scratches are an equine infection caused by dermatophilus congolensis (bacteria). Generally, scratches affect the hoof and hock with symptoms including scabby, cracked areas that can be swollen and hot to the touch, tender feet and in some cases lameness. Scratches are generally more prevalent in horses that are subject to wet muddy conditions for extended periods. Horses with white feet also seem to be more susceptible to scratches.
Causes associated with scratches include bacteria, parasites (i.e. fungus), allergies, photosensitivity, poor or improper nutrition, irritants (i.e. deworming chemicals, antibiotics) and soil bedding.
Earth Smart Solutions carries a product called ESRT - Riotte which our clients have found to be very effective in solving this equine infection.
ESRT - Riotte is a totally natural, proprietary blend of essential nutrients, synergists, enzymes, proteins, vitamins and naturally occurring beneficial microbes formulated to control horse scratches.
ESRT - Riotte is produced through a fermentation process using high quality materials and extracts of organic origin that will effectively control a wide range of fungi and bacteria. Riotte does not contain harmful chemicals of any kind.
- Gentle, non-irritating
- Works quickly to calm and soothe the affected areas
- Suppresses harmful bacteria and parasites
- Promotes rapid recovery of damaged skin
- Protects the affected dermal region from outside bacteria
- Inexpensive
- Easy to apply
One of our clients submitted these before and after photos and a review on ESRT - Riotte after using it to treat scratches on their horse:
AFTER PHOTOS:To learn more about how to use ESRT - Riotte to treat horse scratches, please visit our website.
We also offer products that can be used to treat and prevent diseases, wash animals, sanitize water reservoirs, control odour, and create healthy pastures for your livestock. Learn more here.
Please contact us for more information via email at info@earth-smart-solutions.com or call us at 1-866-444-7174.
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