July Product Feature: Holding Tank & Field Conditioner

Do you have an RV? Do you dream all winter about taking your RV out of storage and where you will go come spring, summer and fall?
Well it is that time of year when the RV’s have left the storage lots, families are (hopefully) able to spend some time together during the summer and have headed out on the road, journeying to find the next best place to camp or tour.
Our product of the month is for all those who own, rent, or use an RV.
RV's come with a fair amount of responsibility ... not only do you have to worry about driving, getting gas, stocking food supplies, what to pack, but you also have to be cognizant of your holding tank system.
While it is a part of your duty when operating an RV (and something that will turn into a huge issue with your family if it fails!), it’s important to make sure the system is operating as it is designed to and doesn't experience any issues.
Earth Smart Solutions manufactures a Holding Tank & Field Conditioner (ESHT) to help your tank.
Holding Tank & Field Conditioner (ESHT)
ESHT tank treatment is a highly concentrated, proprietary blend of essential nutrients, and synergists. It is formulated to eliminate odour and accelerate the natural decomposition of the biodegradable component in organic waste in septic tanks, marine and RV holding tanks, portable toilets, etc.
ESHT increases the amount of biomass in the treatment environment, which speeds up the natural microbiological process. This mechanism keeps well-functioning systems operational while causing marginal systems to become functionally engaged. As an outcome, biodegradable components in the treatment environment are decreased in a fraction of the time that would be necessary otherwise.
ESHT holding tank treatment will maintain your tank and drain field in good working order and prevent or delay expensive pump outs.
You may be wondering what the benefits of ESHT are?
Well, there are many, and include:
- unplugs soil pores in drainage fields
- accelerates the digestion of solid waste
- eliminates odour
- resolves drain line issues
Plus, there is no need to worry about the environmental impact of this product as all Earth Smart Solutions products are eco-friendly, with no harmful chemicals in the ingredients.
Learn more about ESHT here.
We carry ESHT in 2L and 20L sizes.
To learn more or to inquire about purchasing, please call our office at 1-866-444-7174.
Take advantage of this month’s special and save 10% off the price until July 31st, 2021.
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