Giving Back To the Community

As the holiday season approaches, our thoughts at Earth Smart Solutions have turned to how we can give back to the local community where many of our valued employees, customers and suppliers live and work and where we are building our new shop.
We were very lucky to have the opportunity to support a local fundraising initiative by The Sheep River Health Trust.
The Sheep River Health Trust is located in the Foothills, Alberta, area and is dedicated to supporting the provision of comprehensive health services. Their mission is to raise funds to promote health and wellness in the community.
Their values match closely with our values and we also want to do what we can to promote health and wellness. We are proud to sponsor one of their 2021 Christmas fundraising initiatives, "Photos with Santa".
"What child doesn’t want to share their secret wishes with Santa? What parent doesn’t want to capture the memory of innocence & belief? Well sign-up for the Annual Sheep River Health Trust Photos With Santa and spend some time with Santa." (Source: Sheep River Health Trust)
Below is a photo from the event:

Thank you for supporting Earth Smart Solutions. We invite you to look at ways you can give back to your community during the holiday season, such as by attending fundraising events such as Photos with Santa and capturing family memories that you will cherish for a lifetime!
Wishing you a joyous holiday season from all of us at Earth Smart Solutions!
Learn more about Sheep River Health Trust here.
Learn more about Photos with Santa here, including how they are following the Alberta Government Covid regulations and protocols.
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