Community Initiatives Update

During these trying times, local organizations and businesses are more in need of financial support than ever to continue their work.
At Earth Smart Solutions, a leading provider in ecofriendly agricultural products, we believe that giving back to the community is one of the strongest initiatives a business can do, as well as supporting local.
Earth Smart Solutions is located in Calgary, Alberta, and is building a new facility just south of Calgary in Okotoks.
Recently, we have made donations in the Okotoks/Foothills community to 4-H Alberta to give back to the community while supporting programs that benefit youth.
4-H is a youth development program and “gives urban and rural youth and adults life-long skills such as co-operation, leadership, interpersonal relations, critical thinking, decision making, organization, public speaking and community service.” (4-H Alberta)
“4-H Alberta is a registered charity recognized as the premier youth leadership organization in Alberta. Working together in a vibrant, thriving environment, 4-H Alberta connects people, ideas, and communities for a lifetime of benefit.” (4-H Alberta)
Earth Smart Solutions will be rotating 4-H Clubs that we donate to every year and is proud to have donated to the following already:
We have also recently donated to:
High Country Pony Club is also located in the community of Foothills and offers multiple disciplines from the pony club curriculum. Dressage, Show Jumping and Cross Country are included in the riding plan.
Olds College was selected as a recipient, due to their support of the agricultural industry and their social purpose, "Transforming agriculture for a better world".
"Everything we do at Olds College is done to advance all aspects of the agriculture industry. By transforming the agriculture industry, we will make the world a better place. All of our programs and actions align to our social purpose. It is the why behind everything we do." (Olds College)
The Otto Family, owners of Earth Smart Solutions, are pleased to support these organizations during these challenging times.
“As a company committed to the environment, we take tremendous pride in the role that we play in the lives of our customers, clients, neighbors, and surrounding communities, where many of our employees reside. By supporting youth, we are pleased to know our donations will have an impact on their future. We look forward to continuing our support in local communities.” Brenda Otto, Director of Community Initiatives & Sponsorship, Earth Smart Solutions.
Please visit the following websites to learn more about each of these organizations:
Millarville Stockland 4-H Club
Source: 4-H Clubs, 4-H Alberta
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