A Powerful Grime Fighting Duo: Acid Replacement + Hydrocarbon Cleaner & Degreaser

At Earth Smart Solutions, late Fall and Winter is a great time to clean up around the shop and prep for the busy upcoming months.
We want to share some of our own before and after photos of containers we cleaned using two of our natural, eco-friendly, non-hazardous and biodegradable products, Acid Replacement and Hydrocarbon Cleaner and Degreaser.
Acid Replacement (ESAR) is a natural acid replacement that provides powerful all-purpose cleaning to remove tough water scale, soap scum, rust stains, grease, mildew and molds.
Hydrocarbon Cleaner & Degreaser (ESHC) is effective in removing fresh and aged petroleum hydrocarbons from hard and porous surfaces. When used as directed, ESHC will effectively clean, liquefy and degrade a wide range of hydrocarbons including gasoline, diesel, motor oil, crude oil, glycol, hydraulic fluid, benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, xylene, etc.
Amber, one of the hard working members of our Earth Smart Solutions Team, started by first applying Acid Replacement to remove the stubborn stains and then applied Hydrocarbon Cleaner/Degreaser, let it sit for approximately a half hour, gently scrubbed the dirty areas and then sprayed clean.
We won't lie, of course it required a bit of elbow grease, time and effort to get to the sparkling white condition, but these products work!
Are you planning to do some clean up this winter? Check out our collection of hydrocarbon cleaners and degreasers for use in the oil field, waste water treatment, tailing ponds, driveway oil stains, and many other applications.
Please contact us at 1-866-444-7174 or via email at info@earth-smart-solutions.com if you have any questions and for more information on our products.
Learn More About These Products
Acid Replacement (ESAR) is a natural acid replacement that provides powerful yet completely biodegradable all-purpose cleaning to remove tough water scale, soap scum, rust stains, grease, mildew and molds. Not only does it outperform typical acids including phosphoric, citric, hydroxyacetic, sulfamic and oxalis, it will save you money. It is 70% more effective than citric acid and glycolic acid and 50% more effective than phosphoric acid when used to dissolve calcium carbonate. ESAR provides fast removal of calcium, lime, rust, and other deposits typically found on metal surfaces. Unlike acids, it does not pit, streak or blacken metals.
Hydrocarbon Cleaner & Degreaser (ESHC) is an environmentally safe, non-hazardous, biodegradable formulation for use in removing fresh and aged petroleum hydrocarbons from both hard and porous surfaces. When used as directed, ESHC will effectively clean, liquefy and degrade a wide range of hydrocarbons including gasoline, diesel, motor oil, crude oil, glycol, hydraulic fluid, benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, xylene, etc.
ESHC is safe for use on gravel, sand, railroad ballast, concrete, brick, asphalt, metal, rubber, plastics, porcelain, wood, textiles, etc. Our Earth Smart Hydrocarbon Cleaner does NOT contain acids, caustics, chemicals, petroleum distillates or VOC’s and is D-Limonene free. In addition, ESHC is environmentally friendly and leaves no residue.
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